The Vatican’s nearly month long *Synod on Synodality* assembly, convened by Pope Francis concluded this morning with members proposing concrete reforms among which include;
a) Establishing new ministries for the laity for example it was proposed that the ministry of lector could become a true ministry of the *Word of God* which could include preaching.
Secondly, a ministry for *married couples* that could assist married couples and those preparing for marriage was also proposed.
b) The synod proposed increased *lay involvement in Church decision making*.
c) The need to create processes to evaluate *bishop’s performance of their ministry*.
d) The need to *expand the footprint of synodal assemblies* going forward. All Church leader at whatever level should create a *Spirit of Synodality* in how they manage Church apostolate and ministry which has never been a private affair.
e) Women should participate in decision making processes and assume roles of responsibility in pastoral care and ministry.
f) The synod members opposed the inclusion of women into the diaconate ministry.
g) Notably, the final text did not include the term *LGBTQ + people after the phrase was included in the working document that guided assembly discussions. The summary report did however emphasize the assembly’s closeness and support to all those who experience a condition of loneliness as a result of sexual ethics* and called upon christian communities to listen and accompany those in these situations.
h) The assembly also called for a review of the *criteria used to pick new bishops*, incorporating broader consultation in the process, including greater input from laymen and women.
I) The synod members stressed the importance of forming seminarians in a more synodal strain of pastoral engagement.
The 2023 assembly document is in no way a final document but will be used as a basis of the *Synod on Synodality’s* final stage that is another Vatican assembly in October 2024.
The assembly(2024) is expected to produce a final text that will be presented to the Pope for his consideration.
In the meantime synod members will return to their respective dioceses where they have been tasked to get feedback on the summary report and to foster a synodal culture.
Truth Series.