Catholics Veil Sacred Images during Lent not because “they” are looking for Jesus to crucify Him.(Part 1)

Catholics Veil Sacred Images during Lent not because “they” are looking for Jesus to crucify Him.(Part 1)

Many times you have heard people say that the significance of covering the sacred images during lent is because they(the Pharisees) were looking for Jesus to crucify Him.

I don’t really know where that came from but it may be that someone didn’t hear what he/she was told or that someone taught another wrongly.

Actually, it’s our “senses” that longs for Jesus and not “them” the pharisees looking for Jesus.

Moreover, you forgot that it’s not only the crucifix that is covered but all the sacred images. So, if the image of St. Anthony is covered, were they looking for St. Anthony too?

The right question should be: “What does the veiling not only signify but also do?

To be continued…

©Fr. Henrycharles Umelechi

Truth Series.

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