On the Installation of a Diocesan Catholic Bishop Elect

On a Diocesan Catholic Bishop Elect

✓When does the Bishop Elect Exercise his New Office?

A person who is promoted to become a Bishop cannot become involved in the exercise of the office before he has taken canonical possession of the diocese. That is, he cannot begin to function as the Diocesan Bishop of the diocese in which he was elected to be without formal installation as the Bishop of that diocese ( Conf. Can. 382 $1).

This is except in a case where one is already a Coadjutor Bishop when the Bishop’s seat is vacant, the coadjutor bishop immediately becomes the bishop of the diocese for which he had been appointed provided that he has legitimately taken possession of it (Can. 409 §1).
The Bishop’s seat is vacant (see vacante) upon resignation or death of the Bishop of a diocese.

Meanwhile, the Coadjutor Bishop legitimately takes canonical a possession of his office when he, either personally or through a proxy(a person who is given the power or authority to do act on his behalf), has shown the apostolic letter of appointment to the diocesan bishop and college of consultors in the presence of the chancellor of the curia, who records the event (Can. 404 §1).

✓ When does the Bishop Elect take over a diocese?

The Taking of a Canonical Possession of a diocese happens in two categories(Can 382 §2):

1. Episcopal level: This is for one who was already a consecrated bishop before his election to a diocesan bishop. Such must take canonical possession of his diocese within two months of his receiving the apostolic letter of election from the Pope.

2. Presbyterial Level: This is for one who is not yet a consecrated Bishop before his election to a diocesan bishop. Such must take canonical possession of his diocese within four months of receiving the apostolic letters. Within this four months, he is to be consecrated a bishop.

✓How does a Bishop Elect take Canonical Possession of his diocese

This takes place in two categories(Can. 382 § 3) :

a) An Extant Diocese: This is an already existing Diocese. Here, a Bishop Elect takes canonical possession of his diocese when personally or by proxy, he shows the apostolic letters to the college of consultors, in the presence of the Chancellor of the curia, who makes a record of the fact.

b) A New Diocese: In a newly erected dioceses, he takes canonical possession when he has seen to the communication of the apostolic letters to the clergy and people present in the cathedral church, with the senior presbyter among those present recording the event.

✓Where does the Bishop Elect take the Canonical Possession of his diocese?

It is strongly recommended that the taking of canonical possession be done within a liturgical act in the cathedral church in the presence of the clergy and people gathered together (Can. 382 § 4).

Fada Henry Charles Umelechi

Truth Series.

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