The Significance of the Feast of Exaltation of the Cross

The cross was a tool for crucifixion in antiquity and was considered one of the most brutal and shameful modes of death. It was used systematically by the Persians in the 6th century BC. Alexander the Great brought it from there to the eastern Mediterranean countries in the 4th century BC, and the Phoenicians introduced it to Rome in the 3rd century BC. The Romans perfected crucifixion for 500 years until it was abolished by Constantine I in the 4th century AD. Crucifixion in Roman times was applied mostly to slaves, disgraced soldiers, Christians and foreigners–only very rarely to Roman citizens.

Why then are we Christians exalting an instrument of torture?

First, we rejoice that something so terrible was transformed into a means of redemption for the whole human race and thus became a symbol of salvation.

Second, we remind ourselves of the fact that Christianity is not an abstract and spiritual religion. It springs from God’s direct intervention in the affairs of the world, a real historical event involving real people and, in the end, a real execution on a real cross.

Therefore, we may theorize and theologize all we like; but all our theorizings and theologizings are nothing without the history on which they are based. Take away that history – take away the Cross – and Christianity is nonsense.


•”The history and pathology of crucifixion – PubMed”
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