Wedding but not Marriage

Wedding but not Marriage

One of the problems with this generation with regards to marriage down here, is that one young man out there will that struggling and saving a lot of money, and may even be ready to skip meals and some other personal needs just to satisfy something that will happen not just for a day but some hours.

So, he will be going out to hustle to get married after a year and he sets a financial target. He starts doing consultations.

He consults wine and beer sellers, including importers. He consults the best decorators for the best decorations. He consults the best caterers for food and stomach services in order to make the stomach infrastructures solid.

He disturbs his friends for best designer shoe and suites. He plans that his wife shall wear the best of best from the head to toe, sparkling like imported cartoon and local Adamma masquerade.

He consults for the “best” wife, wonderful!!!

He consults for the best arena with good body suiting installations and appropriate ventilators.

He thinks about everything possible to make that they happen including the execution.

On the day of the wedding, you see the wife smiling all through as if she won a lottery while the man’s face is filled with so much anxiety that the camera man intermittently begs him to smile.

I kept asking married people why they don’t smile in their wedding pictures. Yes, go and check it from today, many pictures of the wedding day hanging in different families see only the women beaming with joy. What happened to the men? Mean face, no joy!!!

It’s not all sha but many of you. Go and investigate.

These preparations are so beautiful and in fact, it makes me a priest even longing to have a wedding but not a marriage.

And so, they think and prepare for everything except for one thing, THE MARRIAGE. They took so much time preparing for wedding that happens for some hours and forgot about the marital life of a life time.

His would-be marriage sponsors(god-parents in marriage), if sanitized upstairs advise him to take the necessary steps because they are important, he tags them outdated.

Marriage tribunals are filled with filed cases seeking for nullity. A wedding of two weeks is already collapsing for what was very avoidable if the necessary things were done.

He even avoided marriage courses and he was ready to pay in order to skip it. The priest said no, he goes to another parish and tagged the priest of the former parish with ill descriptions.

And so, this man spent millions on the wedding day, bragging about how the marriage is a talk of the town.

To crown it all, he left for overseas with his wife but only to be left by the same woman for another person. The reason the woman gave was that the man doesn’t suit her class any longer.

Poor man; he went for a charming woman that fits a charming wedding but not a charming marriage(a true life’s story).

The brain of some of us needs some cleaning 🧹🧹🧹

Fada Henry Charles Umelechi

Truth Series.

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