When I Become the President
If I become the president today, the first thing I will do in order to achieve progress in the minds of people is to close down SOME so called churches and prayer ministries.
SOME are really “drugging with corruption” the Kpim of the human person: reasoning and God’s image in people, and killing Christianity.
According to Kevin Mwanza in his write up of September 1,2021 titled:
In 2018, the Rwandan government shut down more than 6,000 churches and 100 mosques across the country including 714 in the capital city of Kigali.
Kagame was shocked by the number of houses of worship in Rwanda and said the country did not need so many, claiming that such a high number was more fitting for bigger, more developed economies that could sustain them.
“Seven hundred churches in Kigali? Are these boreholes that give people water? I don’t think we have as many boreholes. Do we even have as many factories? This has been a mess!” Kagame said in dismay.
The country has since instituted new laws that require church pastors to have a theology degree before they can start their own churches so that they can teach their followers the “right” doctrine.
Mind those words, “…so that they can teach their followers the “right” doctrine.” Have many know what they say today in religious sphere in Nigeria?
I know that some people are now seeing me as weird but the truth is that Christianity many of us practice today can never in a true sense be called Christian.
Is Nigeria better than Rwanda today?
The Nigerian government can’t do anything because kettle can’t be calling pot black.
With the rate of unemployment, they drove many into church business which makes many to turned native-doctors into native-pastors, witch doctor into witch-pastors, yahoo boys into yahoo pastors, ritualists into ritupastors, enterpreneurs into pastorprenuers.
Imagine it when there’s no difference between what a native doctor, witch doctor, yahoo boys, entrepreneurs, say and do and what pastors (generic sense) do essentially.
That is the fall and implosion of Christianity in Nigeria and her the people.
It’s really painful.
©Fr. Henrycharles Umelechi
Truth Series.