Why body of late Patriarch Grégoire-Pierre XV Agagianian was exhumed?

Why body of late Patriarch Grégoire-Pierre XV Agagianian was exhumed

This week came a news of a new incorruptible added to the list of the many incorruptibles in the Catholic Church, late Armenian Catholic Patriarch Grégoire-Pierre XV Agagianian.

On September 12, 2024, a significant event unfolded in Beirut as the remains of the late Armenian Catholic Patriarch Grégoire-Pierre XV Agagianian, who passed away over 50 years ago, were transported from Rome to Beirut.

However, on a closer look, one finds out that his body was still very much in tact as if it he just died and so, becomes a case added to the many incorruptibles; body remaining the same as it was buried without decay after a period of time in which it supposed to have decayed naturally.

A critical but faithful catholic mind finds it very difficult to belief that, just like Thomas saw all that Jesus did but yet he doubted and Jesus proves himself to him(John 20:24-29). So, it is not still out of faith to ask : what actually led to the body being exhumed if there were no foul play targeted, which may destroy the faith.

So, why the exhumation?

The body of the late Patriarch Grégoire-Pierre XV Agagianian who had died more than 50 years ago and had been buried at the Armenian Church of St. Nicholas of Tolentino in Rome, was transported to Martyrs’ Square, Beirut, at the invitation of Patriarch Raphaël Bedros (Pierre) XXI, the current Patriarch of Cilicia (Armenian), Lebanon and the current Bishop of Beirut, who now sits on the seat once occupied by the late Patriarch Grégoire-Pierre XV Agagianian.

Martyrs’ Square like the Martyr’s Square in Damascus, is named after the 6 May 1916 executions ordered by Djemal Pasha during World War I. Beirut is the capital and largest city of Lebanon.

This is in line with the Catholic tradition in which the body of a religious figure is transported back to a particular place connected by origin or by virtue of their place of apostolate to be reburied. For instance, the body of Blessed Cyprian Michael Iwene Tansi was originally buried at the cemetery of Mount St. Bernard, England , where he died as a monk, but was transported back to the Archdiocese of Onitsha, his diocese of origin at a formal invitation or request.

Late Patriarch Grégoire-Pierre XV Agagianian was born on Sept. 18, 1895, in the Russian Empire, in what is now Georgia.

On July 11, 1935, Pope Pius XI appointed him as apostolic nuncio to Lebanon. On Nov. 30, 1937, he was elected to the patriarchal seat of Bzoummar (Mount Lebanon), becoming head of the Armenian Catholic Church.

But the last question on this should be: “Has it been scientifically proven that this particular body(not others already established), was naturally incorruptible?”

Stay tuned.

“Patriarch Grégoire-Pierre XV Agagianian’s remains arrive in Beirut – L’Orient Today” https://today.lorientlejour.com/article/1426995/patriarch-gregoire-pierre-xv-agagianians-remains-arrive-in-beirut.html

“Martyrs’ Square, Beirut – Wikipedia” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martyrs%27_Square,_Beirut

© Fr. Henry Charles Umelechi; Fr. Truth Series.

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