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A PAPAL NUNCIO AND HIS RESPONSIBILITIES The responsibilities of a Papal nuncio include:   The ceremony ended with a closing blessing by the new Nuncio,Most Rev.Michael Francis Crotty.   1. Representing the Pope and the Holy See: Acting as the official ambassador, promoting the interests of the Catholic Church. 2. Diplomatic Relations: Maintaining and strengthening ties between the Holy See and the host country or organization. 3. Negotiations: Engaging in diplomatic negotiations on issues affecting the Church and its relations with the host country. 4. Advising: Providing guidance to local Catholic bishops and clergy on matters of international concern. 5. Reporting: Keeping the Holy See informed about significant events, developments, and concerns within the host country. 6. Facilitating Communication: Serving as a channel for communication between the Holy See and the local Catholic hierarchy. 7. Supporting Catholic Communities: Promoting Catholic interests, protecting rights, and advocating for social justice. 8. Engaging…

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For instance, If you want to turn your child into a professional football player, the place go for is a “Football Academy.” Do you you then say, “My son just got enrolled into a “Football Academy School?” You already know the answer.

As a Catholic, if you want to tell someone that either your brother, or your friend, etc is training to become a Catholic priest, for better and comprehensible expression, you don’t say, “My brother or my friend is in the “seminary school” rather, my brother, etc is in the Seminary.

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The best lesson any sensible person would learn from #Chivido’s wedding is not: to make sure you make money, nor money is good OOO, nor poverty is bad oOoOO, etc.   But… At each moment, cut your coat according to your size. Your size is: •Your immediate wealth (source of income) •Your market value (which includes your customers/fans) •Your character •Your connection •Your family •etc. Do you know why? Davido spent a lot of money but bet me, he may not have spent his last card on this; may be just some out of many he has. So, he spent according to his reaches(not just riches) and not according to his loans. Davido knew the kind of personality he is; with his connections, character, family, he could afford it. So he did it! How much connections do you have: look at your family, and look at your character? Davido knew…

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The Ministry So far: Not grace(favor) alone but also hard work A woman came to me with her troubles like the woman who came to Jesus to cure her daughter(Mark 7:24-20). But this time, it wasn’t about spiritual possession but that her business isn’t going through. I looked at her with little anger. Why was I angry? What concerns me and your business? I am a pastor of souls and not a pastor of business. Why can’t you go to business counselors and arrange your business? These and more were what were in my mind? Just like Jesus when a man came to him in order to settle the disputes between him and his brothers, “Master, tell my brother to give me a share of our inheritance.’ And He said to him, ‘My friend, who appointed me your judge, or the arbitrator of your claims?’ ( Luke 12:13-21). However, just…

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St Valentine was a Roman Priest riest and was killed because he refused to deny his faith during the reign of Claudius Gothicus.The romance associated with the feast is because of English poet Chaucer.

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What a diocese is to the Latin rite or Roman Catholic Church, the same an Eparchy is to the Eastern Catholic Churches. That is, the Roman Catholic Church calls it diocese, while the Oriental churches calls it an Eparchy. 

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Psychology has a lot to do with learning. There is a reason why formal attire is required of teachers and other members of staff while in school: formal education is official business. Therefore, the place where this business is being done would have to be in such a condition as to manifest that seriousness. Dirty walls, broken windows, pothole-filled floors, leaky roof, and damaged board all speak to the seriousness of the event done inside the building. Officially termed enabling environment, every good school administrator should take care of renovations, reconstructions and rehabilitation of the school building plant to signify, to the students, and indeed all who come into the school environment of what takes place there. Can anyone expect students to give their best in a poultry like environment? 

Getting the buildings right is not about appearance, but for their huge impact on the psyche of the students. No one can train a gentleman in pig’s house says Archbishop Valerian Okeke. It goes to show that the level of preparation of an environment does a lot in showing the real intention of the management. Dilapidated buildings, patched up walls, leaky roofs, broken pieces of woods and half-torn window panes do not show the serious ness of the business of education. Children and young adults would come in and never tune in to what they are expected to. Somehow, everyone knows how environment impacts of the level of attention and engagement students are ready to manifest. 

Moreso, structure enables process. This means that the buildings determine how the process of teaching and learning can be. An instance is that a square or rectangular classrooms where there are heavy lockers filled with books can only enable lecture method excluding other methods like small groups and half-lunar shape among others. To keep rehabilitating school buildings in order to get them to the level of enabling solid and quality learning takes years. 

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As he was removing his trousers gradually, the gun tucked in at the back of his trousers started showing itself.

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Internet Safety: 2 Safest Search Engines for Kids, students of high school and advanced level to use at School or Home in 2023. Whether you like it or not, we live in a time when you can find just about anything you need, whether good, healthy harmful or inappropriate by searching the web. Leaked sex tapes and porn ads pop up on our screens as if they are passing our streets or corridors and decided to say hi. It’s almost unavoidable with the traditional search engines. The worst is that our kids and students are not spared of these internet invasions.   For kids, you can turn on Google’s SafeSearch filters, but you will need to do it on every device kids might use because they must do their assignments. An easier option can be child-friendly Google alternatives; best search engines for kids. Below are search engines useful for the…

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God *always forgives,* humans *forgive sometimes,* but the internet *never forgives.*

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