Internet Safety: 2 Safest Search Engines for Kids, students of high school and advanced level to use at School or Home in 2023.

Internet Safety: 2 Safest Search Engines for Kids, students of high school and advanced level to use at School or Home in 2023.

Whether you like it or not, we live in a time when you can find just about anything you need, whether good, healthy harmful or inappropriate by searching the web. Leaked sex tapes and porn ads pop up on our screens as if they are passing our streets or corridors and decided to say hi. It’s almost unavoidable with the traditional search engines. The worst is that our kids and students are not spared of these internet invasions.


For kids, you can turn on Google’s SafeSearch filters, but you will need to do it on every device kids might use because they must do their assignments. An easier option can be child-friendly Google alternatives; best search engines for kids.

Below are search engines useful for the spiritual, academic, and psychological health you and your kids:

A) : This is one of the favorite safer search engines for kids. Kiddle not only limits its results to sites that are kid-friendly, it also displays them in an order and style that is easy for kids to understand. The first few results will always be from sites written specifically for kids, followed by those that are not just for children but are written in simple language they can understand. The rest of the results are filtered using Google’s safe search on the strictest settings with clear text, all without any ads.

B.) This is for high school and advanced level students. It is a safe, and ad-free way to search specifically for academic articles? Google Scholar is a great solution. The results are limited to scholarly publications, so it’s ideal for high school and advanced level research projects that need strong primary sources.

Note: Even with safer search engines for kids, it’s important to teach your kids and/or students Kids how to navigate safely online, no matter where they find themselves.

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