There is nothing like “Seminary School.”

There is nothing like “Seminary School.

Bigard Memorial Seminary, Enugu.

But wait, when you write or say, “he went to seminary school” what actually were you trying to say? Were you trying to say that “he went to a school in the seminary” , or that “he went to a school that belongs to the seminary”, or that “he went to a school where priests are trained” for a Catholic parlance?

When such topic is raised, people who are very careless with life always wave it aside in pretence that as far as the other party understands you, then you are good to go. But what happens if you grab the knowledge of better expressions?

When you change environment, you would understand how important it is to express yourself very well.

For instance, If you want to turn your child into a professional football player, the place go for is a “Football Academy.” Do you you then say, “My son just got enrolled into a “Football Academy School?” You already know the answer.

As a Catholic, if you want to tell someone that either your brother, or your friend, etc is training to become a Catholic priest, for better and comprehensible expression, you don’t say, “My brother or my friend is in the “seminary school” rather, my brother, etc is in the Seminary.


Better expressions are understood everywhere irrespective of the environment and class of people. This knowledge won’t kpai you if you put it into practice.

Also read: Why Anglicans and Non-Catholics are not to receive Holy Communion in the Catholic Church.

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