Blog Archives

A look at the life of St. Theresa of Avila is a perfect example of the relationship between the vine and branches, fruitfulness and pruning.

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Today, we all presume ourselves Christians because we are baptized but what about keeping the word, that is, keeping the teachings of Jesus, the Christ?

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As Christians, from where do our actions spring from? When one looks at the actions of every Christian, one ought to see the bases of their beliefs. 

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If we really want to stop going deep or sleeping in unrighteousness, we must understand that we are weak and that even on our own, we seem sometimes to convince ourselves that our unrighteous acts are righteous…

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Paul would have been permissive in accommodating the damaging hypocrisy of Peter which would have compromised the entire gospel, that is, if…

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As Christians, let’s mark our priorities correctly finding time in attentive prayer and quiet listening to the word of God, from whence all our concerns are directed properly like St. Paul.

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What killed John the Baptist? It was not King Herod who just decided to kill John the baptist because John told Herod that it is not good to take your his brother’s wife(Mark 6:18). So, telling the truth in this situation was not the problem that directly lead to his death as many would think. Infact, “Herodias, was furious with John the Baptist and wanted to kill him; but she was not able to, because Herod was afraid of John, knowing him to be a good and holy man, and gave him his protection” (Mark 6: 20). Though, Herod was perplexed by the truth, he still loved listening to John and protected him against Herodias. What actually killed John was not the dance of the daughter of Herodias but the emotion and passion of Herod which made him to promise heaven and earth to the young lady. And so, it…

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St. Bartholomew

Aside sinfulness, there’s another thing that is dangerous to being a Christian, thus dangerous to our relationship with God and that is uninformed or naive innocence, without personal conviction or divine personal encounter. A look at the life of St. Bartholomew known biblically as Nathaniel before he met Jesus, shows thus.   Before Nathaniel encountered Jesus, he was of the view that nothing good could come out of Nazareth (John 1: 46). Yet, it was this same Nathaniel that Jesus described as “an Israelite in whom there is no deception (John 1:47).” However, at the invitation of Philip (John 1: 46) and after his encounter with Jesus, something was added to his innocence which is the knowledge of God with us (John 1:14; Matt 1:23). He became convinced. It was this knowledge and conviction through divine personal encounter that made Bartholomew what he is to us and to Jesus, an…

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The urge to love and the act of love itself does the seeming impossible. If only we all shall always be courageous to show concern, thus love always, many dry bones in our own lives and others, in various families, businesses, institutions, unions, churches etc shall come to live again. 

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While Our Lady of Mt. Carmel is the patron saint of the Carmelite Order, the basis for the universal Church honoring Mary under this title dates to her appearance to an English Carmelite St. Simon Stock in the 13th century.

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