Homily, Friday 25th Week in the Ordinary Time, Year B(24/09/2021)

Do not give up

Haggai 2:1-9; Ps. 43:1-4 R/v. 5cd; Luke 9:18-22

The prophet Haggai prophesied according to the word of the Lord to arouse the nolstagia of the glory of the house of God in the people of God, “who is left among you that saw this house in it’s former glory? How do you see it now? Is it not in your sight as nothing?”

But the Lord never left them not without a light of hope, therefore He reminded them of the promise He made them at Exodus from Egypt, and that as along as His spirit lives among them, that house shall be rebuilt because He owns every wealth of the earth.

But the condition is that they have to work. The outcome shall be greater than the former glory, because divine initiative is always perfect.

The Gospel epitomizes this hope when Jesus facilitated Peter’s answer that He Jesus is the Christ of God. Jesus answered that amidst the bodily suffering and death of that Son of man, there will be resurrection.

Child of God, that house is our lives which was perfect at baptism but has been shattered by sin. But God promises us in Jesus that as far as we work hard with God’s grace and power, we shall rebuild that life and it’s glory shall be better. It’s by Christ paschal mystery that this would be achieved if we align with God in Christ.

No matter the kind of worst conditions and especially the kind of sin you have lived in or living in, do not give up. Put your trust and working cooperation in Jesus, you will be better.

Only then you can say,”hope in God; I will praise him yet again, my saving presence and my God.”

©Fr. Henry Charles N. Hi Umelechi

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