I Samuel (8:4-7, 10-22a)
Psalm 89:89:16-17.18-19(R. 2a)
Mark (2:1-12)
In the first reading I Samuel (8:4-7, 10-22a) , the change over from a more shared leadership to a centralized leadership is a major concern for Israel. Both systems of governance have their advantages and disadvantages.
However, the centralized leadership led Israel many times away through their Kings, and this affected severally God’s relationship as people of God. Israel would later regret the institution of Kingship, which was chiefly responsible for her downfall in the Babylonian exile.
Though, Samuel was sad that the people of Israel insists on a king like other nations, thereby rejecting the kingship of God, but God uses this sordid request to bring about an eternal purpose to prepare for the dynasty of the messiah.
In the Gospel Mark (2:1-12), the paralytic allowed himself to be carried by others who led him to Jesus to the extent of going through the roof into where Jesus was.
This tenacity led to the revelation of Jesus’ divinity, not just by declaring the reality of forgiveness through physical healing, but also exposing the undisclosed thoughts in the heart of the scribes who are present.
And, amidst all the obstacles of the narrow mindedness and legalism of the Jewish authorities, Jesus demonstrated His divinity. And in Jesus, this divine ministry of God’s forgiveness is continued in the Church, especially in the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
Child of God, don’t be carried away or don’t follow a person/system/people that leads you outside God but follow the ones that lead you deeper into God, and into the knowledge of God.
However, know that whichever you follow doesn’t affect the power and divinity of God, God’s plan and purpose, but your relationship with God.
Remember that amidst all human obstacles, the divine mission continues.
©Fr. Henry Charles Umelechi Ndubueze.