By Which Spirit?
1 John 3:22—4:6
Psalm 2:7—8, 10—11(R.8a)
Matthew 4:12—17,23—25
It’s new year, new resolutions and new strategies are bound to come up. As Christians, we need to make new resolutions not to be carried about this year by every thing that seems to be Christian but it’s not.
That’s why the readings of today exhorts us to test every spirit of operation. Yes, because this new year, new false propaganda, prophecies, and doctrines shall sweep some people off their feet.
John’s community experienced such wave of false teachers. The difference between them and us is a matter of time and packaging, that is, the style.
So, this divine caution from John remains valid: test, discern every spirit- to check whether it’s a spirit that comes from God or the one that works for a particular pocket or self aggrandizement, that proclaims only what pleases the ear in so far it is pleasing irrespective of whether it’s the truth or not; the spirit of antichrist.
Yes, every spiritual phenomenon this year must be tested in relation to the truth about Jesus.
But how?
Every spirit which confesses that Jesus Christ has taken the flesh is of God. But every spirit which doesn’t not recognize Jesus is not of God.
But, what does this mean?
The Gospel tells us that in the flesh, Jesus preached and taught about repentance and performed miracles.
But all in relation to the Kingdom of God.
The Kingdom of God is both earthly and eternal. Physical and spiritual. The Kingdom is not one sided. It’s wholesome.
Therefore, child of God, use this to save yourself of those antichrists who deprive you of the true Christianity.
Those people who tell you only about earthly prosperity devoid of spiritual richness.
Those people who tell you about how to make it devoid of God and Love.
Those who tell you to come for miracles only without telling you to repent and practice love.
Those people who have made you shout alleluia and receive only prophecies of prosperity during cross over nights without telling you about the dearness of your soul to God.
Those that would make you please them instead of pleasing God; satisfy them instead of doing good for good thereby satisfying God. Those that make you to worship them instead of worshipping God. Those that make you trust in them instead of trusting in God.
These and many others are whom you are to avoid this year if truly you want keep God’s commandments, love your neighbor, making it possible for Jesus to abide in you and you in him. Thereby becoming a child of God.
Happy New Year!!!
©Fr. Henry Charles Umelechi Ndubueze