Homily—Saturday of week 27 in Ordinary Time, Year B.
Readings: Galatians 3:22-29 and Luke 11:27-28
Theme: keeping the word
A friend once asked his Catholic colleague, “are we Christians?” This question baffled him and he retorted, “what do you mean, of course we are.” Then came the second question, “what actually makes us Christians?” His friend answered, “because we are baptized.” However, the one who asked the question said that the answer is not complete, because a Christian is one who not only is baptized, but also keeps the teachings of Jesus through his actions.
Today, we all presume ourselves Christians because we are baptized but what about keeping the word, that is, keeping the teachings of Jesus, the Christ?
Yes, baptism makes us Christians (Gal 3: 26-27), removing the distinctions between us, such that our gender, clans, tribes, states, nationalities, colours, etc become our strength in unity ( Gal 3: 28).
However, this is only possible if we don’t glory only in our baptism but also keep the word. It’s in keeping the Word that our baptism is sharpened and the power of Christianity manifests. It’s in keeping the Word that we truly become one in action, looking beyond gender, clans, tribes, states, nationalities, colours, etc. This is our happiness as Christians. Now, we may understand also why Jesus said, “still happier those who hear the word of God and keep it!”( Luke 11: 28).
Therefore, Jesus is calling us to a deeper faith-relationship, to listen and keep the word. Mary was privileged to be both mother and devout listener of the Word ( Luke 8:19-21; Mark 3: 32-25). And indeed, her soul glorified the Lord.
Also read: Origin: Trouser belongs to men and women