Homily, Second Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C

Isaiah 62: 1-5
Psalm 96: 1-2a, 2b-3,7-8a,9-10a and c (R. 3)
1 Corinthians 12:4-11
John 2:1-11

In the first reading Isaiah 62: 1-5, we are presented with the future of Jerusalem, but the aspect of Jerusalem as the bride of Yahweh is more pronounced (vv4-5).

But, do you still remember that the Church is the bride of Christ in the new testament(Ephesians 5: 23-32). And so, it’s traditional and not out of place to speak of the Church as the new Jerusalem and as bride.

In the second reading 1 Corinthians 12:4-11, St. Paul enumerates the varieties of gifts. And most importantly, he says that these gifts are given individual by God(v 6), for the common good (v 7).

Remember, St Paul was talking to the Church in Corinth. So, actually and contextually, the gifts are given individually for the common good of the Church first.

In the Gospel John 2:1-11, Jesus, Mary and Jesus’ disciples were invited in a wedding.

In them, we could see the presence of the Church: Jesus the head of the Church, Mary the first member of the Church and the disciples who represents all of us.

Moreover, something is being pointed out here, for amidst the invitation, an intercession happened culminating into the miracle of turning Water into wine: the use of gift.

Bear in mind that the presence of Jesus,Mary and the disciples shows that the couples have link with them, the Church.

It was because of this link that brought about the intercession of Mary even when the other disciples were present. Why? Because, Mary was closer to Jesus than others, so she knows Jesus better Jesus than others could.

Are you close to Jesus? Check your closeness to Jesus, and you will be a good spiritual intercessor, and/or activate your own gift.

The opening of the first reading ( For Zion’s sake I will not keep silent, and for Jerusalem’s sake I will not rest… Isaiah 62:1) sounds like Mary’s commitment to the Church, to us, over us, whom she is part of ; she resolves not to be silent. We are the New Jerusalem.

However, Child of God, Mary used her own gift of intercession for the common good at the wedding of Cana.

The question now is: what is your own gift as a member of the Church and what do you use it for? How can you realise your gift when you are far away from God.

Moreso, there’s no doubt that many Christians are gifted by the Holy Spirit, but the problem is that they do not use it for the common good of the Church and in extension, the society.

Selfishness and greed has overtaken their gifts. They now use it to amass wealth, cause division in the Church, build their own name instead of the name of Christ Jesus and the Church.

Many have used their gifts to become god of men instead of men/women of God, god of the people instead of the people of God.

These gifts are meant to be in the service of the same Lord who gives those various gifts.

Above all, the gift of love(charity) is supreme, and love unites rather than divides.

In love’s perspective, every gift and manner in which it is exercised should be judged, because the gift could be from God and that gift is irrevocable Rom 11:29), but the manner of its exercise may still be devilish.

Child of God, the end doesn’t justify the means. Yes, that miracles happen through one doesn’t make the fact that one is extorting money from the people, sleeping with your female/male faithfuls, giving wrong teachings etc, to be godly.

What do you do with your God-given gifts?

Like Mary, we are called to be sensitive to the needs of others, use our gifts selflessly, for helping others, intercession and for the common good in the Church and beyond.

May we all remember that if you put the love of all mothers into one heart, it still would not equal the love of the Heart of Mary for her Children.

One who is in and with the Church, is equally with Jesus and Mary and her apostles. And when the Church is present, Jesus is present, Mary equally intercedes with her gift while prodigies descend from heaven.

Fr. Henry Charles Umelechi Ndubueze.

©Truth series

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