Homily: Someone must talk to the dry bones.-Friday of week 20 in Ordinary Time

Someone must talk to the dry bones.

A simple glance at life shows that many of us have dry bones in many aspects of our lives, be it spiritual, psychological, financial, medical, etc. Many of these drynesses are caused by situations that seem beyond us. However, the truth is that these situations are sometimes not beyond us but they have just overwhelmed us either out of human weakness or lost of hope or hasty conclusions from our past experiences, etc.

Can these bones lives? (Ezekiel 37:3) Yes!

But someone has to do something; we all can’t just fold our arms because it doesn’t concern or benefit us directly. We need to gather courage to speak to dry bones around us and in our lives, just as the prophet Ezekiel gathered courage and spoke to dry bones and they came to life again (Ezekiel 37:7-8).

What actually concerned prophet Ezekiel directly with dry bones heaped in a valley? Couldn’t he just go on his way. Must he get involved? No matter how much God cared, He must show this care with human instrument and that is you.

Imagine it that the prophet Ezekiel ignored the promptings of God to speak to the dry bones, they wouldn’t have come to live. However, the prophet showed concern, gathered courage and did that which seemed impossible and it became possible. Such is us.

The showing concern is an act of love and this to people around us, revives the dry bones in their lives and in us too, and that’s one of the main reasons why Jesus calls Love the greatest of all the commandments (Matthew 22:34-40).

The urge to love and the act of love itself does the seeming impossible. If only we all shall always be courageous to show concern, thus love always, many dry bones in our own lives and others, in various families, businesses, institutions, unions, churches etc shall come to live again.

So with love, someone must talk to the dry bones and that is you. Such concern makes miracles to happen.

©Fr. Henry Charles Umelechi, Truth Series.

Also read: “Most times, parents train their female child to be poor without knowing it.”

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