Homily, Thursday 2nd Week in the Ordinary Time, Feast of Blessed Iwene Tansi, Year C.

Philippians 2:1-11
Psalm 12:2-3, 4bcde,5-6
Mathew 13:44-46

In the first reading Philippians 2:1-11, St. Paul encourages us to put on the mind of Christ, to imitate his humility, simplicity and promote unity.

In the Gospel Mathew 13:44-46, the kingdom of God is presented as an ultimate treasure.

Today, especially in Nigeria, we celebrate Blessed Cyprian Michael Iwene Tansi, the first Nigerian blessed.

In this blessed, the Pauline injuctions and the Gospel played out:

The Blessed was prayerful, humble, and dedicated. He lived life of simplicity, a peace maker, wanting unity wherever he worked but fought religious syncretism.

He found Christ the greatest treasure and abandoned all attractions of the world.

Child of God, the treasures of the world are meant for us and not us for those treasures. We must use them without being slaves to them. We must use them to get the ultimate treasure which is heaven.

To this, we need humility, simplicity and renunciation of worldly attractions; detachment.

Fr. Henrycharles Umelechi.

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