Homily, Tuesday 26th Week in the Ordinary Time, Year B

Emmanuel-God is with us.

Zechariah 8:20-23
Psalm 86:1-7
Luke 9:51-56

In the first reading,Zechariah 8:20-23, the prophecy of the Lord to Zechariah in that context is an encouraging one; that citizens of great cities shall entreat the Lord, such that one shall tell another, “Come, let us go and entreat the favour of the Lord, and seek the Lord of Hosts; I am going myself.”

Noteworthy is the fact that these are not Jews, but gentiles, yet they seek the Lord in Jerusalem.

“I am going myself,” depicts the confidence and faith of the seeker who is not even a Jew. This is even stressed in the fact that, “in those days, ten men of nations of every language will take a Jew by the sleeve and say, “We want to go with you.”

But what actually is the reason behind this?

“Since we have learnt that GOD IS WITH YOU.”

Because God is with Israel makes a lot of difference and brings about such an inclusion of other nations into the people of God.

But what actually does God bring? The Lord brings peace by protection. This explains the fact that Emmanuel is a Hebrew name that appears in the Book of Isaiah (7:14) as a sign that God will protect the House of David. This protection brings such peace that is envied by other nations.

Peace guarantees progress.

In the Gospel reading Luke 9:51-56, Jesus who is the “Emmanuel” was with his disciples and as such commands such peace.


The disciples of Jesus were denied passage to Jerusalem through Samaria. As a solution or retaliation, John and James called for war or enmity by requesting that fire from heaven should be call down upon those Samaritans.

Jesus instead rebuked them and followed another root.

Child of God, as Christians we are now included in that people of God which didn’t abolish the old people of God; the Jews but complements them. So, God is with us in Jesus.

However, the action of Jesus as God-man entails that we who are his followers should always show that “God is with us” by seeking peace as a solution and not war or enmity.

In this way, many of those who are not Christians shall seek the Lord to have the same peace that we as God’s people enjoy by protection, which brings progress.

This is the will of God for His people. May we ask God to bend our heart to His will.

©Fr. Henry Charles N. Umelechi

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