I Sam: 9-20
I Sam 2:1,4-5,6-7,8(R.1a)
Mark 1:21b—28
In the first reading I Sam: 9-20, Hannah cried out to the Lord in her distress, and the Lord hears her cry. He comes to her help and wipes away her tears.
We are not serving a God who is unmoved by our prayers.
In the Gospel reading Mark 1:21b—28, Jesus casts out an unclean spirit from a man and grants him freedom.
Child of God, if we sincerely call on God, and trust in His power, He is able to remove what stands in the way of our peace and Joy, the same way He removed the shame of Hannah, and the shame of the man possessed by an unclean spirit.
In fact, God answers when you least expect it.