Homily– Tuesday of week 28 in Ordinary Time, Year B. Memorial of Saint Teresa of Ávila, Virgin, Doctor

Homily– Tuesday of week 28 in Ordinary Time, Year B.

Memorial of Saint Teresa of Ávila, Virgin, Doctor

Readings: Romans 8:22-27 and John 15:1-8

Theme: The closer to God, the more painful

St. Teresa of Avila
St. Teresa of Avila

As Christians, the more we bear fruit the more God prunes us, irrespective of our weakness for the Spirit too comes to help us in our weakness (Romans 8: 25). To prune here simply means “to cut off or cut back parts of for better shape or more fruitful growth.” This cutting pertains to unwanted matters akin to pruning a tree. So, God prunes unwanted things in our lives; pride, selfishness, etc. This pruning is always painful.

This is exactly what the gospel is saying; God prunes those of us who become fruitful (John 15: 2) and this could come like suffering in different forms, from different quarters. However, before this pruning, one has to remain steadfast in the vine like branches (John 15: 4). That vine is Jesus and we Christians are the branches, if we cut off from Jesus, we shall bear no fruit, just like cutting of branches of vines makes them to wither.

A look at the life of St. Theresa of Avila is a perfect example of the relationship between the vine and branches, fruitfulness and pruning. Through contemplative life/prayer, she connected to the vine that she started bearing much fruits by the formation of Discalced Carmelite nuns in Ávila. “Discalced” (“shoeless”) signified their devotion to poverty. Then came the pruning to the effect she faced intense opposition, the dissolution of her various convents and reforms, and many of her followers (including St John of the Cross) were imprisoned and cruelly treated. So, humanly speaking St Teresa was right when she said, “[God], If this is how you treat your friends, no wonder you have so few of them!” In all these, she gained humility, deep intimacy with God, etc; results of divine pruning. Yet, her efforts bore fruits that last till today.

St. Teresa of Avila, Pray for us!


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