God, Angels and Us.
Daniel 7:9-10,13-14
Psalm 137:1-5
John 1:47-51
Angels have the same nature and office. In their nature, they are spiritual beings and in their office, that is, in their function they are ministers, or servants or messengers.
This servanthood of the angels are also portrayed in the readings.
In the first reading Daniel 7:9-10,13-14, the vision of Daniel describes the service of Angels to God, “A thousand thousand waited on him,
ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him.”
In the Gospel John 1:47-5, Jesus said to Nathaniel, “You will see greater things than that.’ And then he added ‘I tell you most solemnly, you will see heaven laid open and, above the Son of Man, the angels of God ascending and descending.
By this, Jesus confirms that He is the messiah and by nature God. That is the same God that the angels ministered to in the vision of Daniel.
Nevertheless, we are partakers in the divine nature by the virtue of our baptism, thanks to Jesus’ work of salvation, as such, the angels are equally at our service and relate to us as messengers to God. Yes, because as children of God, our angels ur continually in God’s presence in heaven(Mathew 18:10).
Even in worship, the angels are there such that in the presence of the angels we bless the Lord.
Do not always be afraid, we have the angels over us. Have you ever prayed to the angels like Michael, Gabriel and Raphael?
We pray : “Bless the Lord, all you His angels, mighty in power, fulfilling His word, and heeding His voice.”
Remember, they the angels are there for us.
©Fr. Henry Charles N. Umelechi