Reflection: Twenty Ninth Week in the Ordinary Time
Feast of Saints Simon and Jude, Apostles.

Ephesians 2:19-22
Psalm 18:2-5
Luke 6:12-16

Today, we are celebrating the feast of Simon and Jude, who are both apostles of Christ and among the foundation upon which our faith is built. These men were not strangers and sojourners to the Word and to the Kingdom of God as stated in the first reading (Eph 2:19).

The problem of Christianity today is it has so many baptised members who are strangers in the holy temple, and thus in the Lord. With this type of Christianity that is disconnected from the Sacred Tradition (written and oral) and Apostles, are we really going to leave anything for Christians of tomorrow like Simon and Andrew did for us at all?

If we must leave something for future Christians, then we must stop all rancor and struggle to prove ourselves, abilities through ego, disobedience, pride, fame, showmanship, quest for wealth, etc and learn to stay in prayer and make decisions after humble and quiet prayer like Jesus did before choosing his disciples.

That mountain signifies an elevated spiritual position that gives one deep insights through prayers on what is necessary and how to do it well. In this way, our words shall go forth like Simon’s and Jude’s, through all the earth (Ps. 19:5). Thus, we too then shall have built good foundation for future Christians.