Thursday 25th Week in the Ordinary Time, Year B(23/09/2021)

Build the House of God for God’s Glory to shine forth.

Haggai 1:1-8; Ps.149:1-6,9 R /v.4a; Luke 9:7-9

The people of Judah left the house of God in ruins while they lived comfortably in their good houses. This was the reason for this prophecy of Haggai.

In simple terms, the people neglected their duties to Lord God of Israel and focused on their own personal things.
The result was retrogression instead of progress.

Now, Prophet Haggai prophesied that unless they put God’s house in order, God’s Glory shall not manifest in their endeavors.

God’s house in question is not just a house but the “People” who should put their lives in order, that’s why the Psalmist says that the Lord takes delight in his people. And yes, he takes delight and manifests His glory in those who put their lives in order with Him.

Herod was afraid and opposed this divine orderliness, akin to darkness in our lives which opposes this divine orderliness in John whom he beheaded. Yet, that divine orderliness is unquenchable and manifests in Jesus and can’t be resisted. That’s why Herod wanted to see things for himself.

Jesus is that divine orderliness who manifests God’s Glory even as Man, for no one comes to the Father, but by Him.

Child of God, St. Pio was like us in humanity but manifested this divine orderliness because he put the house of God which is himself in order; He embodied that divine orderliness who is Christ and that’s why God’s Glory manifested and still manifests in him. He has many spiritual graces; stigmata, bilocation, etc.

If we put the house of God which is ourselves in divine orderliness, God’s Glory shall manifests in us in our own peculiar way because God takes delight in His people.

© Fr. Umelechi Henry Charles N.


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