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Singles . Com To those of us singles who don’t know how to communicate better, don’t think that when you get married, you will do it better. Learn it now. A majority of marriage problems starts with bad or lack of communication. Don’t say it doesn’t matter now because you think you are not getting married sooner. A bad or lack of communication could be misunderstood for lack of love, lack of sympathy, etc and may raise a lot of suspicion. Therefore, learn the art of good communication now with your peers, besties and others as you embark on your daily social activities. Also, try to make it consistent such that it turns into a habit. I don’t think it may be easy but it’s possible if you work hard on it and pray about it (Luke 1:37). Moreover, you may rely so much that God would give you your…

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The Lion Lions are apex predators, they aren’t threatened by any other animals, but the abundance of food and fights with other lions can have a dramatic effect on a lion’s life expectancy. This is especially true for male lions, who use their physical fitness to dominate their pride. Hmmmmh !!! By now you are confused on the meaning of the term “pride” in this parlance? Ok but Wait ooo. It’s not about the lion being proud. A group of mostly female lions is called a pride. The pride contains female lions and their young offspring, and usually has fewer than 20 members. When a male lion ages, his power is challenged by other, younger lions. The younger lions usually prove stronger, and the older male is cast out from the pride. Without the support of the pride, the lion struggles. And so what? Hmmmm, I mean to remind you…

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Public Attitude is Critical These days, people are now suffering from “Slappingytis.” The cure can’t be procured medically. My brother, my sister, it’s not a virtue ooo; slapping people in the public demeans you the slapper, and depending on the reaction of the slappee, raises his or her public respect. Your public behavior matters so much that it can ruin you or make you in minutes, hours, days, months or years to come. Be aware that Time changes, but the public perception of your image acquired through your public attitude doesn’t change; the public rather builds on that which you have publicly shown. Moreso, don’t provoke people intentionally and hoping they should keep calm. Don’t treat people like debased humans and expecting them to react like “lofty” angels. Yet, nobility of character matters so much. *Please share and copy to your friends, it may be a cure. ©Fr. Henrycharles Umelechi…

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My Age Belittles Me Someone visited me on my hospital bed. He said to me, “during your birthday, how did you manage to announce publicly your age, are you not mindful that many shall begin to neglect you or belittle you?” I said to myself, habbaaaaaaaa!!!. I have actually visited him in his house, he has two dogs. I reminded him of his two dogs and how he treats them both respectively: China and Guard. I asked him the age of Guard and China, and he said: Guard is “a year and something.” China is 6 years old. I asked him why he kicked China with disdain, and he said, ” mtcheww that Eke Uke dog, it has no value, just eating and defecating everywhere.” I asked further, why didn’t you kick Guard your favorite dog and he replied, “you can confidently leave the house under the custody of Guard…

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The Unsual Direction Majority is not always a true test of the way, the truth and what should be. Majority could be wrong. Better stop and look at it properly. That everyone does it doesn’t mean that everyone gets it correct. Jesus Christ never followed everyone, he followed the unusual path irrespective of what everyone does or thinks. This amounted to an unusual culture: Christianity. Though, we(majority) are now trying hard to destroy that path; that culture. So, sometimes the unsual path is the main and correct direction. Don’t be afraid to follow it. *You are free to share this.* ©Fr. Henrycharles Umelechi Truth Series. Photo Credit: Success Pictures.

Your Job and Your Passion.   The Job in question is the principal activity or activities in your life that you do to earn money. Passion here refers to any object of warm affection or devotion. Imagine it then when your job becomes your passion. It means that your job becomes an object of warm affection or an object of devotion. What does this mean? It means a lot. It means that you will love your job, devote every time to it, and happily do it it with joy. That’s part of what brings long life that you always pray for. Devotion points to that commitment you give to your job. Now, when you see medical doctors, lawyers, engineers of whatever caliber, pharmacists, business men and women, teachers, economists,welders, artists, footballers and what have you, what differentiates their mode of operation is passion. The ones who operate with passion make…

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Poor Mind; Poor People Poverty is majorly a thing of the mind. The mind is the foundation of poverty and riches. Poor mind begets poor people. When the mind is in ignorance, it’s in the dark. The possesor of such mind can’t achieve anything meaningful in the name of progress. Such is the reason for poverty. Take time to enlighten your mind; yourself. ©Fr. Henry Charles N Umelechi

The Diseases of Ingratitude   Ungrateful people don’t make progress because they value neither whatever is given to them nor whatever they come across. In gratitude, one sees and shows the value of something and uses it well. ©Fr. Henry Charles N. Umelechi
