A better understanding of “Do not judge” must look back to to Jesus in Mathew 7:1-6 and Luke 6: 37-40. This means that this assertion is neither yours, nor your biological father’s, nor your church father’s and mother’s, etc. “Do not judge” does not free us from the need for judgement, otherwise we all end up becoming hypocrites. Yes, every simple sentence like “This kettle is black” is a judgement and as adults, we can’t escape the obligation to make some judgements even on the moral character of others. Considering that a better understanding of any scriptural passage as guide to our lives, must refer to other scriptures because the scripture must be read as whole, not selectively and nor independently, for all scriptures are inspired by God (2 Tim 16–17), John 8:3-11 practically explains what Jesus meant so well. What happened? The scribes and pharisees brought a woman caught…